Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Collie "MyLassie"

Other Names: Rough Collie, Scottish Collie
Country of Origin: Scotland Scotland
Lifespan: 12-13 Years
Male Height: 24-26 Inches
Male Weight: 60-75 Pounds
Female Height: 22-24 Inches
Female Weight: 50-65 Pounds
American Kennel Club Classification : Herding Group
Canadian Kennel Club Classification : Herding Dogs
Kennel Club (Great Britain) Classification : Pastoral (Herding)

Collie Characteristics
The Collie is a friendly, intelligent, loyal, faithful, and sensitive breed. This is a highly intelligent dog, with the best training results achieved with a gentler approach; they do not respond well to harsh training methods. They get along well with other dogs, other pets, and children.
The Collie comes in two types, the Rough Collie and the Smooth Collie. The coat care and grooming requirements of the two hair types are quite unique. The Rough Collie needs a large amount of brushing; it is important to brush right down to the undercoat or you will have a matted and uncomfortable dog very quickly. The Smooth Collie's grooming requirements are very minimal.
If you are purchasing an adult dog, it is essential that he is secured in the yard until he is comfortable with his new environment; they are known to escape and try to make their way to their previous home. The Collie is a herding dog that still requires ample amounts of exercise, and don't forget that this dog loves to retrieve.

Collie History
The Collie dates back hundreds of years to the Scottish Highlands, where he was used for guarding the flock and herding. The early breeders kept no records, so the earlyhistoric details are somewhat muddy. There is speculation that the Rough Collie and the Smooth Collie had different origins, though they are presently classified as a long and short-haired version of the same breed.
In the early days he was called the Scots Colley Dog, Colley being a black sheep. The Rough Collie's lineage was especially influenced by a dog name Old Cockie, born in 1867 whose sable coloured coat can be seen in the modern Collie. Every Rough and Smooth Collie can also trace their ancestry back to a tricolour dog named Trefoil, born in 1873. The Rough Collie has been extremely popular, but not so with the Smooth Collie. The Smooth Collie may have died out, in fact, if it had not been for the efforts of a number of dedicated breeders. By the 1930's the Collie was thought to have been bred with the Borzoi, which gave it more nobility but also made it somewhat melancholy.
The early ancestors were brought to England and Scotland over 400 years ago. Queen Victoria kept a Rough Collie at Balmoral in 1860, and thanks to her enthusiasm for the breed, his popularity sky-rocketed in the herding circles and amongst the upper class. This popularity continued many years later with the writings of Albert Payson Terhune and the infamous television show "Lassie". The breed's popularity was so immense at one time, that huge sums of money would exchange hands for the best of the dogs. The highest price ever reputed to have been paid for a Rough Collie was for Ch. Parbold Piccolo to an American. Upon arriving at his new home in Milwaukee, Piccolo was allowed to freely roam around the property. He tragically disappeared that same day.


  1. Wow anjingnya keren banget friend. Thanks for infonya..

  2. cool dog..

    i used to have chochow..


  3. aku baru tahu kalo ternyata tinggi yang jantan sama betina beda 2 cm yah, artikel yang bagus, sukses yah

  4. dulu temenku punya anjing itu 0.0 tapi mati ketabrak.. hiks.. padahal aku ikut ngerawat bareng T_T huaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa >_<

  5. smart dog....i like

  6. doggie manteppp... [http://rimbaroom.blogspot.com]

  7. I have a Collie, it is mainly a good dog with children but has to be trained, congratulations for the postage. Hugs.

  8. at the moment,I dont have any pets, but your articles its very good... Great Jobs....

  9. I like collie my auntie have one it's so cute

  10. wihihihiy,,, bagus banget rambutnya tu anjing....
    kliatan sering nyalon....

  11. sorry.....i don't like dog,..but still animal created by god.........

  12. saludos desde www.quemagoma.net

  13. bulunya bagus.. kayak kemoceng.. hehe.. :D

  14. Sorry, i don't like dog. But, Thx 4 the info.
    It seems smart dog.

  15. this dog got beard. looks friendly nice dog

  16. Waww cute and cool dog bro! hehehe It's very kind to be a friend at home I think. Thanks

  17. Great job my friend. Nice article about pets. I had a little traumatic incident with a dog, so i'm afraid to have one until now. I only have a Hamster now, it can bites me, but not as bad if dogs bites you.

  18. hi there.

    i shared the info with my mom, she likes dogs. =)

    will be here often. :-)

  19. Cute n cool dog...bro!

  20. at this time i don't like to have a dog in our house.... maybe when i could have yours.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

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